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Taking care of your metal braces.

Dental braces are recommended to straighten crooked teeth and uneven bite. Your general dentist or orthodontist does an initial evaluation appointment where diagnostic impressions of your teeth are made and panoramic, cephalometric, and cavity detecting x-rays taken for a comprehensive exam. This is important for your family dentist or orthodontist to anticipate any growth spurts or jaw discrepancies. The brackets or braces are then placed on the teeth and you are on your way to achieving the smile of your dreams.

Taking Care of Metal Braces

The biggest challenge with traditional metal braces is keeping them clean. At Carrollton Smiles, Waterpik and an electric toothbrush are a part of your dental braces package. We believe it is essential to keep the teeth clean to achieve ideal results. Dr. Sirisha Bhandaru and her staff take time to educate the patient on how to correctly floss, brush, and use the Waterpik to help prevent cavities and gum disease.

As tedious as it may seem to take care of your dental braces, we encourage oral hygiene because it makes the appointments quicker and less painful. This is because the gums are healthy and you are less likely to have a dental brackets and bands replaced frequently. It is important to brush after every time you eat above, below, and on top of the metal dental braces. The patient is advised to use the Watperik at least twice daily, and floss every night before bed. Check out the Carrollton Smiles YouTube channel or Carrollton Smiles Facebook page if you have questions on how to use your Waterpik.

Dr. Sirisha Bhandaru understands that flossing is time consuming. We recommend using floss threaders, super floss, and platypus floss picks to floss under the dental wires to achieve optimal gum health. Make sure when flossing you hug both the teeth to get them clean.

Call Carrollton Smiles for a consultation at (972) 245-3455 or book an online appointment at carrollton-smiles.com.

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